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[VIVA] Matty

Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by [VIVA] Matty

  1. Went on an amazing drive with @.Stan recently :love:





  2. Thanks for the follow Vicc!!!

    1. [VIVA] Matty

      [VIVA] Matty

      For sure man. I know we keep saying it! I have been massively busy lately. Nice to keep passing you on TMP though!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. 0ukpXyr.jpg 

    ?Düsseldorf, Germany ??

    With @ItsCatCube and @Ali.. <333

    1. [VIVA] Matty

      [VIVA] Matty

      Great pics! Congratulations on your recent new role!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Really been enjoying the Western Star 49X on ATS! How many of you play ATS, and if so, what is your favourite truck? :thinking:


  5. Hello Everybody 

    Harmony Convoys May Edition is over and here are a few Photos from me 





    @Milo. ❤️



    Thanks for the opportunity @sanamaria @davidd. @Pixel. @Savage. ?❤️


    any suggestions please! ?

  6. Admeeeeeeeen ❤️ 

    @ZaroMW & @JamesS014

    (at the VTC " Auf Achse" anniversary)



  7. Thanks for follow ❤️ 

    1. [VIVA] Matty

      [VIVA] Matty

      Thank you, you too :)

  8. Thanks For Follow  ❤️

    1. [VIVA] Matty

      [VIVA] Matty

      Thank you, you too :)

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