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Veteran Driver V
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Status Updates posted by MauriceLPs

  1. Es ist wirklich schade, dich gehen zu sehen.

    Keine Frage, es war eine tolle zeit, du kommst aber wieder, da bin ich mir sicher!

    Bis dahin, pass auf dich auf, hab viel spaß beim Zug fahren und bis alsbald 🥲 ❤️

  2. Hello Clappedtical ?


    how are you buddy? ❤️ ?

  3. Dangeschön für den Follow, SchnellesNugget_7 ? ?❤️ 

    1. SpeedNugget_7
    2. SpeedNugget_7


      & vorallem: Danke für dein Follow! ?

  4. Congratulassione el Chrisso ❤️

    Just kidding - awesome Job ?

  5. Hai NubNub ? ? :HaulieLove:

    1. Fast-rider


      Hello doof Nubwt ?:HaulieLove:

  6. Rest in Peace, Speedy ❤️


    You will be missed, you were such an awesome human and I always had a good laugh with you!


    You are a legend! 

  7. Thanks for your follow :HaulieLove:

  8. Danke für dein Follow ?❤️ 

  9. Thanks for your follow, Thomas! ? 

  10. spacer.png


    I've made some Repaints for the following Buses in OMSI2:
    - Mercedes Benz Citaro 2 Capacity
    - Mercedes Benz eCitaro 3 Doors
    - Volvo 7900 LH Diesel/Hybrid-Bus

    Following Buses will receive a similar repaint:

    - MAN Lions City A23 (IIRC)

    - Mercedes Benz Citaro O530
    - Mercedes Benz Citaro 2 G
    - Mercedes Benz Citaro 2
    - Mercedes Benz eCitaro 2 Doors

    - Volvo 7900 H Diesel/Hybrid-Bus


    #StandWithUkraine #PrayForUkraine #NoWar


    What do you think on that?
    Kind Regards,


  11. Congrats to Community Nub Manager, Criticatto :HaulieLove: *meows around*

  12. Schade, dass du gehst - ich hoffe, ein Comeback ist wieder gegeben :HaulieLove:


    Man schreibt sich sicher mal wieder :3 oder zocken gemeinsam mal OMSI2, wo wir nur am Auszucken sind dank der KI ?

  13. Hey everyone ?


    @Caernage is developing a project which will be a feature that might help some TruckersMP players and yet, he don't describe more than needed - it is not a VTC nor a VTC Project - to leave the suspense. Do you dare to continue?

    If you are interested or take a look with sneak peek (in a few days), you may join the Discord of that said project here.


    Let's continue - @Caernage team, which also includes me, are looking for competent and motivated individual talents. You think you'll fit and are looking for a personal fullfilment and have experience? Go ahead!
    If you fit our needs, you will be invited to participate in an info session talking about the project itself, it's objectives and it's role (PowerPoint).


    Are you interested to apply? Then click here.

  14. Peekaboo :troll: ?

    1. Caernage
    2. MauriceLPs


      Oh no! System errored while parsing input - exiting with code -1 :kappa:

    3. Caernage
  15. Belated Happy Burfday, Soulie ❤️ 

    Hope you had an AMAZING day my dear ?

  16. Hey you - I really hope you're doing okay, Speedy ^^


    We all miss you infinite much on the TruckersMP Guild ❤️


    Here a portion cheese ? ???????


    Hopefully seeing you soon again on the Guild ^^

  17. Thanks for ur qualitative follow :kappa: ? ❤️ 

  18. Glückwunsch zum GML, mein lieber Zaro :HaulieExcited: :HaulieLove:

  19. Thanks for ur follow, Doggo ❤️ 

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