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About Slavik_32RUS

  • Birthday 09/20/1998

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    Russia, Bryansk
  • Interests
    IT technologies, computer games (mostly simulators), motorcycles
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  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Russia: Saint Petersburg (Санкт-Петербург)
  • Known languages
    Russian, Ukrainian and English

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  1. Will I be able to participate?
  2. The first question: I remember the good old days when it was possible to drive on the Kirkenes road with double/triple trailers. And I understand perfectly well why they are not allowed there now. However, why not remove this restriction on the arcade server? After all, there will be no collision anyway, and if someone gets stuck on one of the turns with a double/triple trailer, it will only be his problem. He will not be able to block the path of other players. The second question: Obviously, the in-game reporting system does not properly handle the number of reports that players create every day. Why not improve this, for example, as follows: implement a cumulative system (at the moment you can only send one report about a player who violated the rules, after which you will see a notification that the report on this player has already been sent) and add the ability to sort reports not by the date they were created, but by the number of sent messages about a specific player. Thus, more attention could be paid to those players who systematically violate the rules and, moreover, enter the game in order to harm other players. The third question: Why not add automatic detection of speedhack usage to the game with automatic sending of a player report that significantly exceeds the speed limited by the server? For example, I suppose it should be suspicious when a player in simulator 1 is driving at about 200 km/h. I'm not saying that such players should be automatically banned, because any player can accidentally get under textures as a result of an accident and falling there at high speed. But I suggest implementing a more intelligent system, which, for example, at the first significant speeding by a player, will mark this player as suspicious, and when this system works again (or if the player is moving at a speed significantly higher than allowed on the server for a long time, and it is obvious that he would not be able to do this. just speeding up when descending the mountain road) automatically create a report with a demo recording, which will show exactly what happened. At the same time, those players who just fell through the textures move at speeds sometimes above 300-500 km/h. It is impossible to drive a car adequately on the road at such a speed due to the special physics engine of the game, so I think it will be easy to create a system that can distinguish those who use speedhacks from those under textures.
  3. Happy Birthday 🎉

    1. Slavik_32RUS


      Wow! Thank you very much!

    2. Slavik_32RUS


      How did you find out about my birthday?👀

    3. c0de


      From the birthdays today section of the forum 😎

  4. I know a player who was banned for using a speedhack very far from a CD road in a place where there were no players (he just wanted to catch up with the convoy and then turn off the speedhack). he is still permanently banned. And it will never be unban according to the current rules. At the same time, TruckersMP consistently mitigates punishments, and here many have already expressed that the massive unban of players has negatively affected what is happening in the game now. That is, do I understand correctly that you decided to unban all those who come into the game to intentionally break the rules, while the player who absolutely did not harm anyone will continue to be banned forever? I think it's worth taking an individual approach to punishments for players: those who obviously unintentionally committed a not so serious offense should not be punished too severely. at the same time, if it is obvious that a player enters the game only to go on a CD road and break the rules there, I suggest that in case of repeated violations, ban such players for as long as possible, or ban them permanently (although it is still better to ban them for 1 or 2 years - perhaps after a long time time they will come to their senses and get a chance to improve). I understand that the use of cheats is prohibited by the rules and is punished with a permanent ban, but does it not seem absurd to you that a player who has not harmed anyone (there was no one around him for many kilometers) receives a much harsher punishment than those players who enter the game only to harm other players? after all, the maximum that they face is a ban for 3 months!
  5. Can I participate if I am the winner of the 2019 championship?
  6. Happy Birthday 

    1. Slavik_32RUS


      Wow! I visit this forum so rarely and hardly follow what is happening here that only 2 years later I noticed your congratulations. Anyway I appreciate it, thank you very much for that!!!

  7. Я управлял двойной сцепкой и остановился перед знаком приоритет проезда моста. Ждал кода появится возможность без задержки продолжить движение. Самые торопливые обгоняли меня и тормозили встречных. Я никого не блокировал
    Где моя ошибка? 

    You're banned until 24 Nov 22:29 UTC

    Reason: blocking

    1. Slavik_32RUS


      Я не знаю в чём твоя ошибка. на твоём месте я бы поступил так же. (чем переть как баран вперёд, постоял бы и пропустил встречу. или просто постоял бы, пока после после поворота не освободится достаточно места). админы в последнее время совсем что-то непонятное творят. если раньше они отклоняли почти все репорты с обгоном мотивируя это тем, что видите ли не было совершено ДТП, то сейчас мне прилетел бан за то, что я объехал шкоду, которая еле ползла (что-то в районе 20-30км/я), а потом убедившись, что нет встречки объехал стоящих впереди. если раньше для бана за блокинг нужны были действительно серьёзные доказательств, то сейчас я не удивлён, что тебя забанили. в тракерсМП творится какой-то маразм и админский произвол, но с этим к сожалению мы, простые игроки, ничего не можем поделать. остаётся только ждать выхода Инфинити тракерс и официального мультиплеера от SCS (если вообще когда-нибудь этого дождёмся). так же рекомендую переходить в сингл плеер. если вам действительно нравится эта игра думаю вам так же будет интересно катать с трафиком в сингле. там кстати нету этих сумасшедших админов, которые готовы тебя забанить за малейшую провинность (даже если при этом вы на 100% уверены, что не заслуживаете наказания).

    2. Vodov


      Спасибо. В принципе можно опротестовать бан ? А то мне дали на 5 дней

    3. Slavik_32RUS


      Если у тебя есть видео и если ты сможешь доказать, что действительно стоял там, чтобы пропустить встречку (а если бы поехал заблокировал бы дорогу), то попробуй подать апелляцию. хотя скорее всего админ просто напишет тебе, что мол он прав, а ты иди лесом.

  8. I attended only some qualification races, but I watched with interest the video broadcast of this event. And I want to say that the participants pretty well showed their skills. My congratulations to the winner. In this championship, he became the best of the best! When I won the spring championship, some were amazed and even indignant: "How is it that a person who has played so little in this game was able to beat those who played it for hundreds and thousands of hours?" What do you say this time? The winner of this championship has even less hours than mine. Я присутствовал только на некоторых квалификационных заездах, но с интересом посмотрел видеотрансляцию данного мероприятия. И хочу сказать, что участники довольно таки неплохо показали своё мастерство. Мои поздравления победителю. На этом чемпионате он стал лучшим из лучших! Когда я выиграл весенний чемпионат некоторые удивлялись и даже возмущались: "Как это человек так мало наигравший в эту игру смог обыграть тех, кто играл в неё сотни и тысячи часов?" Что же вы скажете на этот раз? У победителя этого чемпионата часов ещё меньше, чем у меня.
  9. Wonderful convoy to the beautiful places of the new state! Even though I was late for an hour, but after ~ 800km I was able to catch up with the column
  10. Thank you for this wonderful event! It can be seen that it was well organized (except for the fact that Not everyone who wanted to participate was selected.). ETS2 physics made itself felt. The races were interesting and intense. The final is as much as 300km. (and that's great). The rivals in the final were strong (the best of the best). Really cool event! Congratulations to the winner! He showed real skill and deserved his title! ee you in the autumn championship! Спасибо вам за это замечательное мероприятие! Видно, что оно было хорошо организовано (за исключение того, что не все кто хотел смогли поучавтвовать). физика ЕТС2 дала о себе знать. гонки были интересными и напряженными. финал целых 300км. (и это здорово). соперники в финале были сильные (лучшие из лучших). Действительно крутое мероприятие! Поздравляю победителя! Он показал настоящее мастерство и заслужил свой титул чемпиона! Увидимся на осеннем чемпионате
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