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Status Updates posted by PinkNub_

  1. Happy Birthday 🎉 

  2. Thanks for your follow! 🩷🩷

  3. Welcome to the team! ❤️


  4. Take care! 🩷

  5. Congratulations maksch ❤️


  6. Thank you for driving together and had amazing trip to @Caramba2412 & @'Leo. 

    I love you Pink colleagues! 

    We're a strongg Team happy-clap.gif




  7. Happy Birthday! ❤️



  8. Congratulationss ❤️ welcome to TruckersMP Team, good luck

  9. Happy Birthday! ❤️


  10. Congratulations! ❤️




  11. Congratsss Austinooo ❤️


  12. Happy Birthday 🎉 bigfan 

    1. Almira xeltz.

      Almira xeltz.

      Thank you big faan 😍

  13. Back to SimRail after a while 🙂  🚅

    fDleNBw.jpeg      jI4FpO8.jpeg




  14. Congrats 🩷🩷

  15. Take care bigfaan 🩷🩷

    1. Poyraz


      Thank you :HaulieLove: BIGFAN

  16. Happy Birthday 🎉 

  17. I can not even believe what happened and still trying hope it's not real. I miss you DJ Jefferz, have a good journey up there. RIP. ❤️




    1. PinkNub_


      You'll be missed my friend, I can't believeeee, I'm giving you huge goodbye and trust me I hope we met in one day together. 






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