Hello every time i take a screenshot in Trucker mp the game crashes? with this message Game Crashed - Fatal Error An application fatal error! Do you want to send crash log file to developers? then i have to come out of the game the screenshot will save to steam i have tried various option from posts that i have seen like uninstalling truckersmp fully and reinstalling + cleaning registry etc cleaning pc for truckermp files with no luck. is there anything else i can do? i am at a total lost here also i have tried it on a different profile (which hadn't been used on mp ) no mods are used on either profiles and i get the same message. On single player in ETS2 i do not get the message appear? also i am using the 64bit. Also i have the latest .Net Framework (4.7), Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 & DirectX. i have included the Last_crash.log file from ETS2MP i hope this is the file that can help solve the issue.
many thanks