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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. nvm. I fixed the problem somehow my real steam folder is somewhere else.
  2. I tried everything, - tried to set it in all possible ets2 folders - reinstalled the game - reinstalled truckers mp nothing worked someone can help
  3. OutSyder_


    okay ty vm
  4. OutSyder_


    The rain wont stop, the setting with rain doesnt work. its now raining in the game for me 7 days in a row. somebody can help me?
  5. reinstalled succesfully mp mod and now its working thx guys for the help
  6. im reinstalling the mp mod and i cannot find the executable file? wtf bullshit and i try to find the game where its dowloaded. found it on normal searcher but not in de installing thing
  7. nothing worked gonna reinstall multiplayer
  8. I need to downgrade but i dont know what release on steam, i tried 1.21x but it doesnt work. can someone help me?
  9. okay let me now if there is one. thanks for the help.
  10. so now to the point. how to fix this?
  11. it crash always when im going to the city and sometimes when im was playing for 5 minutes. i have a good pc. so the hardware is not a problem its just something in the game. there are a lot of people who have this so fix this.
  12. They said they will fix it in the new update. so today i dowload the new update and still i got the fatal error. please fix this
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