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About BrummiCat

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  1. Stop talking like this bro, some of us are just waiting for the new fanatec csl dd to arrive. I'm trucking here from the beginning and i wont stop cause of the convoy feature. This mod will rise and shine with "beta 1.0" some time in the feature. Have faith in the now full time developer(s). Let's haul for another seven years. Happy trucking and stay safe out there.
  2. Finally my new fanatec comes into (online) play. RIP G29 Ty tmp devs & team.
  3. At least not everybody in this community is a clown like you. But thanks for taking your time to spill your b$ on me - 19 hours later - instead of providing a proper answer like the two others guys did. Keep up the good work buddy.
  4. First time Promods user. Which "mod" folder do i have to use to put the ProModes files in? ..\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod OR ..\Documents\ETS2MP\mod ?
  5. The Exp./Open Beta was out for testing/modding purpose for like one month with the possibility to enable DX11 and the TMP staff is starting to implement this "new" stuff after the 1.35 release? No offense, just curious. Ever heard of something like trunks and branches? And why is there no "hey we are at like 20% or so and need x more days/weeks/months". I for my self and a lot of people here dont get it. Maybe someone can enlighten us?
  6. I have the same experience and then disabled the option in the settings to avoid accidents with real truckers. Until further notice, I have not seen these generated accidents. EDIT: Ninjad
  7. Cheers, mate, I appreciate it.
  8. Disabling all mods shown in the modmanager fixed it for me.
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