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Veteran Driver IV
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About rwsender

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  • American Garage Location
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  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    JSpec Haulage

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  1. possibly go into single player, save then try multiplayer again? or try reinstalling the mod.
  2. TruckersMP can't make changes to the code of the base game, and modding something like this in would be a complete disaster. People are bad enough drivers! I do like the suggestion but
  3. If you press 'Tab' then click on the cog. You can set your in-game tag there! make sure to hit 'apply' before exiting that menu but.
    1. The_Wish


      Damn those Mercs, @Mr Panda would love them

    2. rwsender


      He got a fresh basic one as his first truck, so I told him I would get the same and just add 1 light bar and a beacon. They are J-Spec and very very nice. 


      Considering starting a J-Spec VTC.

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  4. would love to have my own VTC, just don't know what panel to use <_<<_<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The_Wish


      Trucknet (its a paid one, 30 pounds i think), WolfVTC (look in the archive of the forum) and there are more than just those, ex: Tour-o-matic

    3. Enf099


      @hurikan670 posted some days ago a new VTC panel created by him, I drop you  here the post if you want to take a look at it. Maybe you'll prefer this system :).

    4. rwsender


      @The_Wish I'd love that one, but £30 tho :( I didn't like the tour-o-matic interface, the other one is nice, but two websites for the two games is annoying I suppose, I may go with that one that auto logs tho!

  5. Unreal brexit banter by SCS 10/10 would vote to stay in the EU again 



    1. The_Wish


      lol scs jokes 

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  6. I don't exactly know if its possible but I've seen it done in ARMA, I go to grab guns from a car and one of them has a little 'dlc' sticker beside it and I can't take it. But if someone is using it I have the textures for me to see them using it.
  7. Suggestion Name: DLC syncing in multiplayer Suggestion Description: I've seen games such as ARMA 3 that allow other players to see the DLC guns/vehicles in the game, but they cannot use them. If they try to use them they get the option to purchase it via the steam store. I would love if this could be worked into TMP. It would also likely lead to an increased sale of the DLC's, maybe SCS would help? I don't know. Any example images: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/441732902027188428/E5C8699ED50E6BD4DAE029E828677B19A1877253/ This is really ugly and annoying because people like the MP, but they may not have all the DLC. Why should it be added?: none of the above image increase scs dlc sales more customisation in multiplayer. I do realise that this could be a very complicated thing to add, but even if not now, in the far future it would be very nice!
  8. Finally a replacement headset on the way! bummed about one support person saying I'd get a free upgrade and the other saying I'm not <_<

    1. DJ Lewis

      DJ Lewis

      Which headset is the replacement you are getting?


    2. rwsender


      The same one just https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NHJQ8CA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 it is still a really good headset, couldnt fault it apart from the breaking up

  9. would you rather use steam to log into a website or create an account for it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rwsender


      Thats what I was thinking, found a pretty helpful Steam login that can be used anyway :P

    3. Beefy32659_YT


      @FirestarteR93 is right. It depends upon the website I'm accessing at the time. If I can trust the website then I'd sign-in with a 3rd party account but otherwise, I'll ask and register if allowed. :P 

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Ya I'd be too lazy to register - would rather use a Steam  to log- the lazy way :P does depend on the site tho :P



  10. ^ you're missing out big time, the road network is so complex and the scenery is so much better than the rest of the game! lots of small american towns and it just feels better than any other DLC/area of either game!
  11. some people need to learn to take corners, or at least check if people are coming on their GPS..got rekt into a new dimension on ATS just now

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