About Zakxaev68
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Preferred Trucks
American Garage Location
California: Sacramento
EU Garage Location
France: Lyon
Known languages
English, Bulgarian
TruckersMP Information
Virtual Trucking Company
[SPARK] Spark Logistics
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[VIVA] [BG] Vinnie P.B. started following Zakxaev68
Според мен коварното е другаде; четящите драстично намаляха, а труда на @Samito_BG надали някой ще го оцени. @Shteken Трябват ти малко български мотиви. От тук ми идва идеята за малко реклама на Родопите или Пирин като евентуален облик за Euro6. Не е лошо хрумване. Може би ще е добре да заформим една тема, форкусирана върху излизането на новия експанжън към нашите ширини. Аз от известно време съм замислил да правя различни облици с българска тематика, но идейте ми се броят на едната ръка
Aleksa_Djordjic started following Zakxaev68
...In 21st century modern world where technology drives the world. Yep. Instead of everyone using Google Translate, English is as easy to learn as pressing keys on the keyboard.
Наблюдавам активността на темата... Изглежда сякаш съм единственият, който отразява.. ъм.. върти дискусия. В този ред на мисли; хубаво е, че набираш участници, @[ET-INT] s0b1esk1_86, но лично аз някак си развих впоследствие някакъв неприязън, след краткото ми пътуване през ада с последния ви конвой, а също и друг такъв с българска нишка. Нищо, от това което прочетох и разучих за събитията (вашето и това на Gosheto.A - Balkan Trans, състояло се на 3-ти март), преди да се "предам" на едните опити да видя за какво иде реч да си в глутницата с българи, не се оказа такова, квквото излезе. Първата ми мисъл беше: "стой далеч". Втората ми мисъл, след като бях там, си остана такава: "стой далеч". От това, искам да кажа, че няма никаква кохерентност/последователност между всички на опашката - поне едната скорост да се поддържаше по черните пътища. Ала, не, благодаря за поканата все пак.
Looks like RedBull108 still tries to find an argument suitable enough to justify his opinion on what "perfection" means. Knock it off. You failed at the specified sentence. Deliveries can be continued any time per your will. Don't bullsh*t the bullsh*tter, pal. Nevermind the proposition on 1st page explains what a staff with common sense at first, should do. Period.
^ This guy tries hard to think of an argument out of ignorance. Come again...? One and only hellhole of the whole multiplayer community, next to no rule is complied with there except 10% players being tolerant to each other. Makes for ~500 players. God bless your (zero) understanding of simulation.Yep, you attempt to land a passenger aircraft in X-Plane with full engine speed, that is else boring. You drive a train in Dovetail's Train Simulator like a rail truck cause you can't stand waiting the oncoming locomotive to pass. All you arcade racing folks, close the door on leaving. Seem disgusting by even trying to speak about a topic you aren't interested in. As I guessed right few posts above: those who don't want the change will try to go with the methods of "switch servers" to spam the topic and let moderators lock it because, arcade players can't deal with proper simulation.
@TomiikCZ Realistic Driver I love those vague "Why do I give a f*ck. -1!" responses in the forum by members. You misunderstood the idea, @FernandoCR [ESP]. Convoys for private; 2-3-man convoys on EU1 work well for me. Public convoys I rather stay away from. I do convoys within the VTC I am part in these days. Anyways, I prefer to play alone but then again I'm looking for role-playing in this mod, I try to do that more else I'll ditch TMP for the good ol' singleplayer, y'know.
Nice of you to bring it to the table, BIG ups. Besides. I fear the whole moderation staff (would) see no interest in performing such solid change, as - based on my sense of things - about 7-8k players favor the recklessness driving in general. To strengthen the numbers, this same circle, least 5k to say, would donate for the(ir) "cause". Therefore. the moderation staff have excuse to keep it as it is, because in the end, the voice have those who donate and not the ones who discuss the important topics. In reality we need a mod that provides the quality of singleplayer play, including traffic. And game masters that are no joke. @FernandoCR [ESP] + @Joao Rodrigues Talk on PM for a convoy if you're up for it lads?
Albeit players rate such an even quite high, in general majority praise it. I am in no way impressed of what I've seen in my 20 minutes spying around the map using the free camera (Osnabruck-Amsterdam-Rotterdam) Simulation? To some extent. Traffic jams the rest of the time. Scenarios? None I've noticed escorted on the given route for the time I was there. Technical issues? Sh*tload of server instabilities. Couple specific for the mod for years. In conclusion, an event that went slightly better in the EU2 variation. I thought at least we could drive the escort vans and help those in need of an escort towards a given destination (if we didn't have the Special Cargo pack). Be of an use in some way. No sign of that even in the dealerships (checked it once I entered, no escort vans to buy). Nice PR stunt nonetheless.
Nevertheless, @ScaniaFan89, TMP becomes too serious at times - no way you can have the "purest" of simulation in a mod that only 1 developer does working like hell for 10000 players. As usual I'll be there observing the chaos meter.
Indeed does sound puzzling as a description to those "Real Operations". Exactly where is the realism (scenarios even) in players going up and down the marked route doing whatever? The mod isn't ready for any serious role-playing. I stand with @ScaniaFan89 To simulate a scenario you should least have special transport cargo on a special server that allows only those types of cargo to be hauled. Passenger cars disabled for players, escort van available only to players who wish to be road control (escort). Then drivers & escorts role play. There you have pure simulation done right. Currently you don't have any of that, how can you do scenarios if you don't have the mechanics to, lmao.
Buy the corresponding tuning pack DLC?
You know you have filters on your disposal within the Freight Market/External Contracts to give deliveries specific order (distance/highest-lowest price/trailer type...)
Звучи отчасти въодушевяващо - въпреки всичко, виждам, че сте избрали маршрут през Монпелие до Германия, а Монпелие не е част от основната карта, докато аз нямам налични по-новите разширения - Франция, Италия, Скандинавия и Прибалтика. Поне за момента, но кой знае... занапред може и да отскоча към Скандинавия. Може би да отскоча някъде по пътя към Германия, но не съм убеден, че си струва усилията да се присъединява някой при изминат половината път - става ситуацията като "куче влачи колиба".
ffracing75 started following Zakxaev68
Waaaaghhhttt! I'll skip this one, until I take myself out to the wild deserts - buying the map expansions (once more are available and SCS decides to bundle them in a package on Steam).