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Dylan Vibes

Veteran Driver VI
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About Dylan Vibes

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    dutch , english

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  1. Suggestion Name: New idea for the speed camera's Suggestion Description: Add a real flash to the speed camera's Any example images: Why it should be added: it would be really nice if they added a real flash to the speed cameras. This gives a realistic feeling to the game. and it would make players more aware that they are driving too fast. you get a pop-up notification at the bottom right of the screen, but most people ignore this. I personally think it would really help and motivate the players to slow down and it would also be a nice addition to the game
  2. Suggestion Name: Traffic Police Suggestion Description: Team that controls the traffic. Example road calais to duisburg. Kicking players that blocks the road and that cause fille. Have no authority to ban players. Special cars or other cars then admins. Any example images: yes Why should it be added?: There are a lot of traffic jams in the game. Players that blocks the road and there is always a big mess and traffic jam in the famous roads. Lot of times there is no admin Online or nearby. with this special team shall the roads will be more free and there will be less congestion. Whas playing for a couple hours and i hear a lot of players talking about the same problem.
  3. Suggestion Name: roadside assistance car jobs Suggestion Description: You have in truckers mp game admins and they are a lot of accidents on the way. and i thought the admins have a lot of work to check if players followed the rules properly. to possibly also have people work instead as roadside assistance. eg if an incident has happened that they can warn other truckers with a special car with an LED sign to reduce the speed and to provide information to the player who has an accident. Why should it be added?: I love to help people and they are a lot of accidents on the way and sometimes people dont see the accident and cant stop anymore and hit other cars with this idea i hope that the safty comes more in the game lot of truckers goinig to fast and a speed control by admin are good . I whil realy work as a roadside assistance i drive with a pilot car to help peolpe warning by a accident the pilot car have no funtion in the game so i whill by this idea create a new job. Always Safty first and i whil be part of the team ?
  4. Dear Maybe can she putt a other function in the game for trafic assitance for accidents and other problems then she have admins for players not follow the rules and the trafic leaders when they are crashes and then whe have a car with a sign thhat she must slow down when a accident on the road maybe a good idea. I love to help people that are crash or stuck when its a good idea i whill get the job so mutch and the game admin jobs are full Kind Regards adxks79
  5. Dear its still not working it works in the test my steering wheel but maybi do i somthing wrong in the gamings profiler i go test it now on a other game
  6. Dear i have now install the newest logitechdriver software from the page but i must check now of the decive my wheel acept but now it not working the status on my laptop is ok the wheel is ok on my laptop but its not working i can play with a ps3 controller
  7. thanks Rene i go try it friday then iam home i have windows 10 64bit
  8. Dear can sombody helps me i can t play anymore on eurotruck simulater2 online sinds the new update the game whil not found my steering wheel what must i do i dont know i have a logitech formula force ex steering wheel in the begin it works and i can play but now nothing anymore
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