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Veteran Driver V
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About atjov001

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  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Czech Republic: Praha
  • Known languages
    English, Czech, Slovak (little: German, French)

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  1. Frankly a disapointment to see TMP going backwards instead of forwards: Abolition of report reason "ban evading" - As a TMP player since 2017 I see this as a mistake, that will take TMP back in the overall progress it has made so far. Throughout the years I play, there has been so many times, TMP staff simply did not recognize ban evaders and we, the players had take charge of the situation and use report system in order to get them out of the game. I worry, that there were made no internal changes, that you just changed the rules to have less work with reports which is a disgrace to the community, who trust you, that you are doing your best work possible. §2.9 "In accordance with our Terms of Service staff are allowed to re-use evidence sent in our reports." Well this might be helpful to someone, but I find it very harmful since there will always be a small percentage of bans issued incorrectly and small portion of them doesnt even get corrected in the feedback system either, this was not just my case months ago... this further undermines the trust to report system and now they can "according to rules" use yours evidence (wrongly) agains you (even if that evident doest meet basic evidence stardards like perpetrator nickname..., as in my case) which just leads into unpleasant experience, when nobody is willing to hear your objections, even worse they can now do it legally according to the rules. Dont even try to argue, that this unfair treatment happened to just to me, and I am the only one who ever experienced it. I really look forward to seeing great updates like VTC system, Event page, CD area improvements (added roadsigns)... Kind regards
  2. Its easy to say these words, but someone have to enforce rules ingame. How could there be triples nowaways? I can ride C-D road twice, but theres still lack of admins ingame.
  3. Simulation up to 110km/h What a joke. Useless update. You have to start doing job ingame, someone has to enforce rules, if not you, who then? Translators? Devs?
  4. Simulation 110km/h
  5. atjov001

    B&Č Transport

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