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Veteran Driver V
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About Ivanzito

  • Birthday 12/19/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Belém, Brasil
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Fresno
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Dortmund
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  1. GCEE Convoy - L'auto Express - 04/04/2020
    290+ Players ❤️



  2. GCEE Convoy is TODAY !!! ??


  3. SgtBreadStick, congratulations on your work with Custom UI Packs.It was very beautiful, I am using Black and Gold and they are fantastic. I'm following your post for future updates
  4. Um dos melhores Grupamentos de Escolta da Comunidade!
  5. Olá comunidade, como vocês estão? Blz?

    @VCouto (
    Especialista) e eu (Gerente de Escolta) gostaríamos de anunciar que o Recrutamento para Escolta do Grupo GCEE se encontra ABERTO!


    Foto: Divulgação/Grupo GCEE

    Venha ser um Escolta GCEE e participar desta equipe!
    Saiba mais: 


  6. A tour of France on a late afternoon with my friend ? @ThiagoBR_ ?
    Um passeio pela França no final da tarde com meu amigo Thiago ❤️




  7. Delivering Christmas gifts is more rewarding when you do it with friends


    Merry Christmas! ?


    Photo: @junior553




    Hi everyone!

    Are you in the mood for a mega convoy? So, already noted in the calendar, the 26/10 has Special Convoy 3 Years GCEE.

    GCEE is having 3 years anniversary this month and to celebrate, let's have a Special Convoy with some really cool events that I'm sure you'll enjoy.

    Check out the information and times for your region here

    See you on Saturday, huh!

    Don't know GCEE? Read this topic! 

    If you would like to be part of our organization, please contact us.:

    My Discord: IvanzitoBR#8345

    Discord Official GCEE: https://discord.gg/t5YySKq

  9. I use the Xbox Joystick and it's hard for me to go to the keyboard because I need to turn on Cruise Control to maintain speed and use the right-hand pointer to press 'X' on the keyboard because my left hand is busy with 'L' being behind the wheel. of the truck and the index finger and middle finger are on RB and RT, controlling gait and acceleration respectively. I use the thumb on the 'X' of the joystick to talk about Discord and it is very practical to communicate. If Laucher allowed himself to choose the button, I would set it to 'Y' so that I could concentrate all my important and steering functions on the Joystick. So I won't be distracted by interleaving the keyboard (except chat, of course). I hope my opinion helps to contribute to the addition of this command in the game. I look forward to seeing you soon
  10. +1 I hope you can still discuss it and that it can be added to the game. I ride a lot with friends and on convoys and it's bad when we can't find a spam player quickly because many drive with keyboard and even mouse, which forces us to stop the truck and wait for others. Not just friends, but much of the community uses the keyboard and mouse to drive. I use the Xbox Joystick and it's hard for me to use [TAB] because I need to turn on cruise control and analog steering while using the mouse and try to find a player that is spamming on CB radio and I risk causing a accident if there are more than 10 players, because I will have to scroll the list until I find who I am looking for. Using the keyboard command would take less time, because when someone uses the radio, the username and ID on the server appear in the upper left corner. You see the ID, just type (example) "/mute 153" and you're done, player 153 is mutated. Others will say "Just change channels/off the radio". OK. There is an accident ahead and a player is warning to be careful on the way. If I turn off the radio, I don't know this information. I gave this example because I am an Escort and the use of radio during the convoys our group organizes, keeping the radio clean without spam is extremely important. Driving with the mouse on the Arcade server (to avoid accidents) before expressing my opinion and felt how difficult it is to use the [TAB] tab while driving. Therefore, I support the inclusion of this command in the game to bring more accessibility to the gameplay. I hope my opinion helps to contribute to the addition of this command. I look forward to seeing you soon
  11. Hi guys, how are you?

    We are only a few weeks away from our big birthday event and it is a great honor for me to announce our convoy trailer.

    By: @guigopierrot (you are amazing ❤️)

    Learn more about our event:


  12. Carrocinha e eu estaremos lá com certeza! o/
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