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About Ahmet16

  • Birthday March 17

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  • Interests
    Front-end developer, Back-end developer, Operation Managment, UI/UX Design, Graphic Design
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • Known languages
    Türkçe, English

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  1. Game: Caught or Not? Welcome, friends! Ready to test your sense of humor and intuition with a simple, fun game? Let's play "Caught or Not?" How to Play: 1. Game Flow: • One player makes a statement about the next person in line (e.g., "The person below has the funniest laugh"). • The next player replies with "Caught" if the statement matches them, or "Not Caught" if it doesn’t. • It is sufficient to use the expressions "Caught" and "Not Caught", meaning there is no obligation to respond to the last person, it is optional. • Check out the example for more explanation. • Frankly, I was undecided between keeping the game content limited to ets2 or not, but since I think that keeping it limited to ets2 would both lead to a loss of creativity and not be fun enough, I do not impose any restrictions. You are free to create whatever you want within the framework of the rules. 2. Examples: • 1 Player (topic owner): The person below me has a pet dragon. • 2 Player: Not Caught – I wish I had one though! The person below me forgot their car keys today. • 3 Player: Caught – I had to walk to work! The person below me loves pineapple on pizza. • 4 Player: Not Caught – The person below me is afraid of heights. .... Winning the Game: There are no winners or losers in this game! The goal is simply to have fun, share some laughs, and learn quirky things about each other along the way. Game Etiquette: • Keep it light-hearted and respectful – this game is about fun, not criticism. • Be creative with your statements but avoid anything that might make others uncomfortable. • Do not violate the forum rules. • Do not send 2 messages in a row, that is, do not reply to your own answers. Okay then I'll go first. The person below me loves cats
  2. Hello everyone, I'm opening this topic because I'm really curious about the favorite emojis of people in this forum. You can use any emoji on a different platform, just make sure that it doesn't violate the forum rules. Also, if you see someone else sharing your favorite emoji, don't hesitate to upvote. Here I go, my favorite emoji is confetti.
  3. Hey right now I'm really curious about who will see this post or not. Can you send likes to this post? Also I'll follow the first person to reply. I really wonder who it will be 😄

    1. 'MaRtY


      Hi There ! 👋

    2. PinkNub_


      Martyyy was first one, PinkNub is second

  4. I think there's a little more luck for me
  5. When it comes to a new player panel, I thought that all UIs in the game were updated in accordance with this design, the settings, report section, job section, radio section, the fact that these sections are still the same affects the design integrity. In addition, the new user panel is really nice in terms of design, if we can change the color of this panel like determining the tag color, it would be much better. Finally, although this panel is resizable, it is really wide, so it can be made to allow forced compression by adding a horizontal scroll bar or other solutions.
  6. I like the idea of the speedbumps and I think it's worth trying before a bigger adjustment is made, but not just one bump but several in a row. If the results are not good enough after this adjustment, a change can be made to force the design to slow down a bit more.
  7. print("Happy Birthday! 🎉");

  8. Hello, if you give more detailed information about what you want to do, it will be more useful for us to help you.
  9. There are constant accidents in TMP, some accidents caused by conscious reasons, some accidents caused by unconscious and unwilling situations. Someone else may hit you or cause you to have an accident. Setting up an automatic ban system for all these will cause a lot of unfair bans and will cause users to experience pressure and stress. For this reason, I cannot agree with your suggestion. In addition, it is very difficult to optimize such a system from a technical perspective and will put a serious load on the servers. Maybe instead, if the same user is reported +50 times in 1 hour for similar reasons, the user's login can be suspended for 3 hours. But this system can be abused by some user groups. For this reason, authorized personnel control will always be a more effective solution in case of a ban or similar situation.
  10. To turn left from the "Entry" section, I follow the left lane, when the green light turns, I move towards the middle of the road and prepare myself for the left turn. When the traffic flow on the opposite road stops, I make the turn and continue. At this point, some users may prefer to make a U-turn from the roundabout, but most of the time the roundabout is busy and it will be quite difficult to enter the right lane in this busy area.
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