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Veteran Driver V
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About paul514

  • Birthday 11/02/2000

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Frankfurt am Main
  • Known languages
    Italian, Russian, English

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  1. Si`, appunto, io per questo mi teletrasporto ad un altro garage per farlo riaggiornare. Metti caso l'autista ha iniziato il lavoro alle 18, finito alle 20 ma a te non arriva nulla, alle 20:05 ti teletrasporti al tuo garage e arrivera` il suo incasso. Io ho fatto sempre cosi` Per quanto riguarda la stanchezza alcune volte ti fa anche dormire con 0% (e` "normale"). Se hai problemi con l'economia fallo da Singleplayer (usando lo stesso profilo del multi) o prova a googlare "ETS2 economy refresh" su google, c'e` una procedura da fare mediante console se non erro.
  2. Heila`, benvenuto sui forum
  3. Per aggiornare la lista dei lavori o anche i lavoratori a volte basta teleportarsi ad un altro garage. Per il gioco (ma non per il server) il tempo va avanti e dovrebbe rinfrescarsi l'economia, anche con i debiti e i soldi dai lavoratori. Io aggiornavo un paio di volte al giorno l'estate scorsa e funzionava tutto. Spero d'esserti stato d'aiuto.
  4. It is a quite decent idea after all, but, on highly populated roads, it would end up in a continuous and annoying sound. Alongside with a proper setting for it in the menu or a base low volume, it would be a nice little touch. The hard part might be sound synchronization for the player, but I believe that can be set up locally as a mod.
  5. I think such command (with the adequate counterpart /unmute) would be a good addition as it would simplify and make faster the process of muting a certain player. Extremely helpful for whoever has low fps, in densely populated areas, as it can be quite a pain moving your mouse during low fps and especially finding the right player. I also think both functions should be kept in-game, leaving the player the choice between a user-friendly option and an advanced one.
  6. Good suggestion, the pinfo time format should definitely be in UTC to simplify things for reporters and also Administrators inspecting evidence. Good luck with this!
  7. The ghosted player could be semi-transparent with a "In Ghost Mode" mark above. It should be common sense for players that are connecting and spawning in the middle of the road to either move out asap or do it in Singleplayer to avoid colliding with other players, but this appears to not be the case for the majority of the road-users of ETS2MP. A timer would be sort of useful, at least for the ghosted player.
  8. I am seeing people complaining about the "difficulty" of coding such a thing, while it would be enough, in my humble opinion, to have the same system used for the detection of turned off headlights during nighttime. I'd like to think about a couple of ways of doing so: a) the script would check if the player is in a certain city (let's say Frankfurt, Calais, Duisburg) or b) there are more than 20 (or any number, at the discretion of the Game Managers) players around the player If in any of the conditions stated above the player has his Beacon on or attempts to put it on, he will be warned by a message in the chat and given 15 seconds to disable them; if he fails to do so, he will be simply kicked from the server. The issue is that large convoys (with more than 20 members) would have Beacon-less pilot vehicles. Nevertheless, I am supporting the idea as it would also increase just a little bit the general performance and experience in the game. Good luck with this!
  9. Exactly. I totally agree on your point: this happens due to players not caring about other players. I could understand if your game crashed, still, you should drive in a safe area in Singleplayer to avoid being a nuisance to other players. In other words, do not do something that you don't want to happen to you (in this case, spawning in the middle of the busiest road of the server) Maybe the devs/comm management could increase the Ghost Mode timer on C-D?
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