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Driver Geo

Veteran Driver VII
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About Driver Geo

  • Birthday April 30

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    Mințile ilustre discută idei, inteligențele medii discută evenimente, iar mințile reduse îi discută pe alții. Illustrious minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss them on others.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Austria: Salzburg

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  1. Still, i`d like my ban to be removed from game. I never received a ban and never reported anyone even if i have tons of videos on youtube with idiots from multiplayer.
  2. Still... why i got 36 hours ban? Just for a simple "fuck you"? I caused no damage, i din`t crashed into nobody. I own trucking firm GamerLife, all the convoys are an example in multiplayer comunity, i have on youtube more then 300 videos with ETS2, i drive in game like in real life, i respect every driving rule and sign since day one of this game. From 15:57 on 6th untill 4:10 on 8th are 24 hours? 24 hours are today at 15:57 on 7th... hard math.
  3. All started here : http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/16207-driver-geo-profanity/when a turkish idiot cammed out from a gas station from my side of the road, facing me and crashed into my trailer after i pulled to the left so he won`t crashed into my cabin. So instead of said kunos to him and congratulate him for beeing a total idiot, i cursed him saying "fuck you" in chat because i was pissed off. I got banned for one day from not fault of my own. Correction: The incident was reported on 6.06 at 15:57 and ban expires on 8.05 at 4:10 which is more then 36 hours. And yesterday at GamerLife convoy, some dude crashed on purpose into 3 members from convoy, he got reported and he received 4 hours ban. Is this justice? One guy smashed 3 trucks causing massive damage and receives 4 hours ban and me for cursing a guy that crashed into me, i received 36 hours ban. How is this correct? Who is in charge with this rules? Why admins ban people how they want? I have a convoy tonight and i can`t go because one turkish kid reported me after he crashed into me... Great!
  4. Well, the only developer that`s left is a NFS fanboy. You could not rezist to f*ck up the game, do you?! The speed limit in towns is ok but outside will be a total disaster. #EU1 should not be touched by this update. Well anyway, the admins are sleeping since the begining of april, with or without them is the same.
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