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About hallow_zak

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Web development, discord bot development and script coding (basically anything related to coding). Enjoy ETS2 (obviously).
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Kingman
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Sheffield
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  1. Many thanks on adding the displayBans. Cheers for the API update : )
  2. Sherlock where have you been all my life I'll take a look at the gameplay settings and change them up. Yes, thank you! I'll use the answers to optimise my gameplay and the settings I use. Thanks, everyone!
  3. The title says it all... it's too fast and I don't want to zoom around everywhere lmao
  4. But if they're going that fast how would you be able to get their pin, be able to press tab (whilst driving), and hover over a name. The suggestion is good but there should be an easier way to do it.
  5. Unfortunately, I think it is my hardware which is the problem. A big shame but not much I can do until I upgrade ;(
  6. I have two monitors: one 1920 x 1080 in front of me and a 1280x720 to the right of me. I want to have the one on my right always look right so I can either see out my window or to the wing mirror. But I can't find updated guides for it.
  7. Thanks for your follow :) 

  8. This is Calais to Duisburg with only 3000 players on.. 


  9. Suggestion Name: API bans: isPrivate Suggestion Description: An addition to the API for a boolean which finds if a user has their bans on private. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: A good addition to the API which helps API users.
  10. When reporting people I just go for the minimal amount I need really, what information makes the job easier for admeens if possible?
  11. Nice 24hr convoy

  12. Suggestion Name: /fuel command Suggestion Description: Having a /fuel command which would fill up the person's tank, being able to used every 10-20 minutes or so. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Because it really slows down convoys/events if people need fuel. But I don't think this should be a regular game feature as it takes away the need of petrol stations and that realism.
  13. Yeah finally got it working, the answers were excellent it was my bad choice of wording. As it is permitted I find out that I was just being stupid and you cannot customise cars with the new wheels Thanks for all the replies !!
  14. Well I'm trying to get AI wheels on scout cars and it keeps reverting back to truck wheels and I was wondering if they are changing because it's not allowed?
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