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Mint Humbug

Veteran Driver
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Mint Humbug

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Rostock
  • Known languages
    English, German, Chinese

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  1. Hmmm... When i run truckersmp as an admin it doesn't seem to be doing much though, the problem still persists even though I deleted and reinstalled the core files...
  2. Hi all. I tried logging on to truckersmp as usual but the server took an awfully long time to log me in before displaying a message saying "unknown authentication error. server couldn't connect to api truckersmp port 443. timed out". While this is not the first time this has happened to me. It seems to be a thorn in the side to solve this time round. Anyone experiencing the same issue?
  3. Hi everyone! I would like to thank you for your help and prompt replies to the problem I have faced! I have finally resolved the issue, which was due to my antivirus firewall impeding the connection access for the truckersmp launcher to install the server updates. The topic link @KGT I Avro I Owner has forwarded was of a great help Thank you very much everyone and happy truckin'!
  4. Hey there! Many thanks for your quick reply, but when i try to delete the TruckersMP Folder I am met with a message saying that the folder cannot be deleted as there is a file in the folder running in another program, even after manually deleting all files from the folder itself. I tried killing ETS2 in the task manager and that did not help too... May I know what else could I do?
  5. Hi, I was recently playing truckersMP until a server update announced by the Game Moderators stated that the servers would be restarted to flush out a bug. After the servers had updated, I exited the game and logged back in again as normal, and selected the usual go-to server which was Europe 2 as the server I wanted to play in. All went well as i was in the queue and loaded normally into the game until when it was my turn to enter the server the server suddenly stated that I was unable to connect to the server due to unauthorised access? and now when I restart the game and try to run the truckersmp launcher it gives me this message as seen in the uploaded image. I tried reinstalling the truckersmp launcher a couple of times but no avail. Can someone please help me? I really want to play truckersmp again...
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