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Veteran Driver IX
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About darkmichi2

  • Birthday 10/05/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    somewhere on earth
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Winnemucca
  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Oslo

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  • VTC Name
    Trucker fürs leben

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Community Answers

  1. It can be many problems. dobble check your Email if its correct Try to write your Email and password in a Text Editor and use copy and paste Ingame. istall the mod, in your Eurotruck Simulator Root Folder. run the Multiplayer as Administrator. If none of that thinks help you please create a support ticket.
  2. Hello rokyrok1, Your steam folder "steamapps" must be installed to another disk. Not with steam system folders and files. Example - C:\Programm Files(86x)\Steamthere must to be only steam system files! D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common - this is correct folder for the game MP mod must be installed to correct folder necessarily (D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2) 1. Check where steamapps is installed. 2. If steamapps installed with steam system folders - reinstal the steam and delete "steamapps". 3. Steam system folders and steam game must to be on another disks!
  3. Heelo, if you still didnt get a Emal yet, please send me your Steam ID and your Email Adress by Privat Message in the Forum. I will have a look on it. Maybe you just wrote your Email wrong.
  4. Hello, did you contact the Steam Support and ask for help there?
  5. Hello, does your problem still exist or is your problem already solved?
  6. Connection with server has been broken Turn off antivirus or firewall Reinstall game or mod Open port 42850 on your router. Check if there is an update. If non of the above works, go to a friend with the same internet provider (ISP) and see if you can play there, if it doesn't works at your friends place, your ISP blocks something. If this not help you with your issue, feel free to write a Support Ticket.
  7. If your problem is not solved yet, please write a Support Ticket.
  8. darkmichi2


    I think also you should check that. I remember this error in my Game.
  9. Yes but when your way don´t help him, he should try my Way.
  10. Hello, Your steam folder "steamapps" must be installed to another disk. Not with steam system folders and files. Example - C:\Programm Files(86x)\Steamthere must to be only steam system files! D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common - this is correct folder for the game MP mod must be installed to correct folder necessarily (D:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2) 1. Check where steamapps is installed. 2. If steamapps installed with steam system folders - reinstal the steam and delete "steamapps". 3. Steam system folders and steam game must to be on another disks! If this also doesn´t help please write a Support Ticket or Join our Teamspeak and look for a Supporter.
  11. If you have problem with connecting (kicked for invalid accesory set detected) try the following things: Connect with other truck than DAF XF 105.xxx (Euro 5) Re-buy the DAF XF Euro 5.
  12. I had this problem also and i needed to reinstall the Game to fix it.
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