Suggestion Name: Point system in the wallet.
Suggestion Description: Create a system of points in the wallet, thus being more rigid to enter some servers for example simulative servers
Why should it be added?: It would be cumulative scoring, if the player committing infractions he will be punished with the scores (points in the wallet), thus being able to place restrictions on the simulations servers through the points (Examples in the images below.)
So avoiding troll player, besides getting more simulative.
Edit: There were two confusing reactions, but.
Basically, it would be driver's license score, if you break a law depending on the situation, you get a number of points on your driver's license
Thus, the more points you accumulate will have restrictions of some things, for example enter the simulation server 1
0 points in driver's license = You have not been infringed, you can play on server simulation 1
So on, putting restrictions on who gets points in the driver's license
This is an example that exists in real life, but can be done in other ways as virtual points in the game, can be done if the person loses he will not have access to such servers and etc.
example images: