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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by MrGravyCakes

  1. I got the job!! Community Manager! (Not for SCS or ETS2MP, something completely different

    1. konfig0


      gl and congratz

    2. PursuitGamer6


      *Community Manager with 27d ban*

  2. Get told if I got a Community Manager job in the next few days...nervous :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. delboyspencer


      Did wonder if this was true.

    3. scaNIaCK
    4. FirestarteR93


      Got told I may buy SCS in next few days

  3. Getting fed up with the staff not listening to what the community wants. They are gonna run this mod to the ground.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edinev


      It's clearly splitting up the community. One go to one side, another go to the other side. The discussion could be prevented if the Multiplayer launcher interface was better made so no server was set as default.

    3. RootKiller


      @Aurora i suggested mwl better solution. Hopefully it will be added soon.

    4. Edinev


      @RootKiller hopefully its good! :)

  4. They are Putting Speedlimiter Back!

  5. EU 2 has appeared on the staus page :o

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