Not going to point out any names here, so please you do not as well.
Suggestion Name: Permaban / Long duration ban for "n" number of repeated offenses
Suggestion Description: Similiar to taking away license, n (being decided by staff) number of offenses should lead to permaban
Any example images:
Note: Image is randomly picked from a player, not related to any of my reports.
Why should it be added?:
What happens to drivers when they continue to do offenses? We all say admins are humans, can do errors but repeating offenses just means player is menace to society, troll to community. I read ban-appeal threads even from such people like I posted image with "won't happen again", "my brother was playing", "because I got angry to another blocker" etc. Yes, players are human too, it can happen once or twice, but continue doing offenses even after you have banned multiple times, should not give you a guaranteed game play after a time. Once you check profiles, you see some people doing it over and over again, one admin can not remember every previous ban but list is there.
Normally you take away license, proffession, even jail in accidental cases. Since this is a game, best course of action is long duration banishing or permanent banishing the driver in such state.
Even admins should not need to check that list, server can do it automatically after n'th number of bans.
Thank you for reading.