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About Johnas2

  • Birthday 06/16/2001

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  1. Happy Birthday ! ❤️🥳

  2. Happy birthday. I hope have a good years!  

  3. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  4. Guest


  5. Yes, thank you. Kind regards, Johnas2
  6. Hello, If the player reports other player for some reasons and the game moderator issues a ban incorrectly, where the reporter should apply? Is it good to contact the moderator through the private message or to write an another report or to contact feedback? (for example hacking was issued for 4 days ban). Best wishes, Johnas2
  7. you need all 3 files, otherwise you can't join
  8. Anyone downloaded mod and still can't see snow? I can join game, but can't see snow. Restarted the game don't help me.
  9. Hello, As you can see, NO. Kind regards, Johnas2
  10. Hi @Bonnm, I know rules, but from my perspective the feedback is doing nothing. Look at this: my question and explanation http://prntscr.com/lu6trq, and answer: http://prntscr.com/lu6syv. There was never mentioned the forum topic that I tried to explained to him. I do not know how do you think but I think this answer "Lastly, I really hope that you can understand this" means "Don't waste my time, go f*** yourself, I will be not removing this ban in any circumstances." He doesn't care what I said to him, he gives no f*** about me. I think this system is unfair. I said him 4 times that I used forum to find out what does it mean word "continues" and the answers from game mod and veterans was "go report them, you can do it" but he keeps ignoring me. After I asked to communicate with other game manager he said this: http://prntscr.com/lu7035. So I ask for help in forum. It looks like that I am the biggest criminal in this game and no one can help me. So I do not really know what to do. Kind regards, Johnas2
  11. Dear @[VIVA] Zysto, Yes, I was banned because I used free-cam too much, but I already knew §1.4 - Reporting users rule and that is why I asked forum members and moderators if I can report them(because I did not know how many times means word "continuous" "reports using continuous freecam"). http://prntscr.com/lsgyfl. I even used word "legally" and the answers was "yes, it is bannable, they can't do this, feel free to report" after reporting them I got banned. It is a bit strange for me that no one from moderators or support team can't help me with this question. Johnas2
  12. Yes, thanks!
  13. Hi! If you deleted your account, can you create the new one with the same email and steam id? It is only for knowledge purpose. Kind regards, Johnas2
  14. Hi @[VIVA] Zysto, I am banned from reporting a players, not from playing the game. I cannot post any reports on website. And the feedback just said me that I won't be reporting the player anymore ever, they will never remove this ban. So how I am suppose to be happy? The main question is still unanswered what should I do if a player is hitting me on purpose and can I hit him back? I am feeling a bit sad about this game system. I think sometimes it can be forgiven, especially when you try to behave in a good way. We all make mistakes sometime. Kind regards, Johnas2
  15. After being banned from report system for using too much free cam I can't report players. But what should I do if a player is hitting me on purpose. Because I cannot report I will hit him back. Is it okay or I will get permanent ban immediately because this system do not like me? But the funniest part of all that I already knew §1.4 - Reporting users rule and that is why I asked forum members and moderators if I can report them(because I did not know how many times means word "continuous" "reports using continuous freecam"). http://prntscr.com/lsgyfl. I even used word "legally" and the answers was "yes, it is bannable, they can't do this, feel free to report" after reporting them I got banned. I tried several times to explain this to a game manager in feedback, but he just keep saying the same, in other words that I will be banned forever anyway, and that I am a criminal, not even looking what I just said before. Before this problem I try to behave in a best way I could possibly do (and tried to become moderator), but not I am done after this. Now I am just being an asshole in a game like everyone else. So what should I do if a player is hitting me on purpose? Disappointed, Johnas2
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