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Veteran Driver VI
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Status Updates posted by Isacsb

  1. Happy birthday mate!

  2. Hey! How is everyone doing? 

    1. 'MaRtY


      Everything is fine, how are you doing mate?

    2. Samderali


      I am good! Thanks for asking. How are you? ❤️

    3. Isacsb


      Good to hear! I am doing good, thanks for asking! 

  3. How is it going everyone? 


    1. L-DR@GO


      Not bad 👍

      Hope urs too 👍

    2. _Scorpion_


      Extremely productive 👨‍🎓

    3. Isacsb


      Nice to hear boys, yeah I am doing good!

  4. What recording software do you guys recommend/prefer?

    1. _sneaht_0810


      Hello! I use Medal to record my game, which I personally find the best for creating short clips. 

    2. Isacsb


      Sounds good! Thanks for the tip!

  5. It is going to be a good day today! 

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