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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by videogamer

  1. PM me if u wanna hear a dirty joke

  2. anyone else notice the search bar at the bottom of your screen?

  3. RIP G27 Sept 2014-Sept 2015

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. erykmoz


      I was drifting, reckless driving, i was doing everything with it and it works like new. So how is it possible to destroy it in 1 year? :D

    3. erykmoz


      My is 3 years old.

    4. videogamer


      i dunno but the adapter still works cause i tested it with a mutimeter and i looked on the logitech forums and one of the logitech people said that the internal card gave out

  4. got a new graphics card and can now play ets2 at 60fps maxed out

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. videogamer


      old was r9 280 3gb new is r9 390 8gb

    3. jx_23
    4. MrHarv98


      im getting a gtx 960 after my exams :')

  5. i think name/krav likes the color pink

  6. Just got trolled by the AI -_-

    1. [VIVA] Savage Frog
    2. NeoSpex
    3. videogamer


      the AI didn't want me to drive anymore so the AI decided to crash my game

  7. hmmmm should i be mean and change my name to Kravity

    1. Guest



    2. TeddySmoker


      I would've done that...but I can't...reached my limit

  8. I think there should be a limit on how many posts you can make a day because some people spend way to much time on the forums

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tandre


      Okay, really... No smiley, nothing... Easy to understand you´re joking... That joke was not really funny :/

    3. FirestarteR93


      <looks @ Warrior>

    4. stilldre1976


      lmao hes a good lad :) dont understand the limit on post likes/thanks tho bit strange on a forum

  9. i have 28 likes i feel so special

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