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Veteran Driver X
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Status Replies posted by videogamer

  1. Question for all of you with dem fancy graphics cards that cost a kidney and half a person's blood here in Brazil...


    How well would you recommend me a GeForce GTX 970? (Only NVidia, please. I'm not interested in AMD Radeons.) I'd prefer a GTX 1080, sure, but the bloody thing costs over $1300 in Brazil. I'd have to sell my soul to buy one of those by myself.

  2. Question for all of you with dem fancy graphics cards that cost a kidney and half a person's blood here in Brazil...


    How well would you recommend me a GeForce GTX 970? (Only NVidia, please. I'm not interested in AMD Radeons.) I'd prefer a GTX 1080, sure, but the bloody thing costs over $1300 in Brazil. I'd have to sell my soul to buy one of those by myself.

    1. videogamer


      I also wouldn't go lower than 4GB because you'll run into issues running certain games

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  3. Question for all of you with dem fancy graphics cards that cost a kidney and half a person's blood here in Brazil...


    How well would you recommend me a GeForce GTX 970? (Only NVidia, please. I'm not interested in AMD Radeons.) I'd prefer a GTX 1080, sure, but the bloody thing costs over $1300 in Brazil. I'd have to sell my soul to buy one of those by myself.

    1. videogamer


      I don't think you'll find one without a HDMI port.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  4. Question for all of you with dem fancy graphics cards that cost a kidney and half a person's blood here in Brazil...


    How well would you recommend me a GeForce GTX 970? (Only NVidia, please. I'm not interested in AMD Radeons.) I'd prefer a GTX 1080, sure, but the bloody thing costs over $1300 in Brazil. I'd have to sell my soul to buy one of those by myself.

  5. Who else has a Logitech G29 and how do I set it up to where I can feel the road, engine and collisions like the G27....

  6. Question for all of you with dem fancy graphics cards that cost a kidney and half a person's blood here in Brazil...


    How well would you recommend me a GeForce GTX 970? (Only NVidia, please. I'm not interested in AMD Radeons.) I'd prefer a GTX 1080, sure, but the bloody thing costs over $1300 in Brazil. I'd have to sell my soul to buy one of those by myself.

    1. videogamer


      If you have to buy a new PSU i'd buy like a 800W that way you'll have enough power if you decide to upgrade your graphics card again because before i bought my R9 390 I had to buy a new PSU because my pc wouldn't boot

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  7. Question for all of you with dem fancy graphics cards that cost a kidney and half a person's blood here in Brazil...


    How well would you recommend me a GeForce GTX 970? (Only NVidia, please. I'm not interested in AMD Radeons.) I'd prefer a GTX 1080, sure, but the bloody thing costs over $1300 in Brazil. I'd have to sell my soul to buy one of those by myself.

    1. videogamer


      Also make sure your power supply has enough juice to power the GTX 970 if you plan on buying it.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  8. Question for all of you with dem fancy graphics cards that cost a kidney and half a person's blood here in Brazil...


    How well would you recommend me a GeForce GTX 970? (Only NVidia, please. I'm not interested in AMD Radeons.) I'd prefer a GTX 1080, sure, but the bloody thing costs over $1300 in Brazil. I'd have to sell my soul to buy one of those by myself.

  9. Who else has a Logitech G29 and how do I set it up to where I can feel the road, engine and collisions like the G27....

  10. Hello good evening, I have a lot of Bans that I have to do I spend it all in one day, there are approximately 25 reports that would be as Lockouts, Ramming, and others as a case that I have was AFK in the middle of the track. I want to know if any admin either @Sgt_Tailor @Sysgen @KacaKTV @Burner @Mariio @danurb25 @Digi7al @WooQash Some of all of you who can accept me since many. 

    Whoever wants to accept me if they can leave comments or talk by private message, I thank you a lot, this is for better and no worse Multiplayer.


  11. I am very annoyed... a while back I reassembled my old PC to run old games but since I don't have an extra monitor, I hooked it up to my computer's TV capture card through a S-Video cable. It's been working very well for the purposes I put it back together for. Though after some time without using it, for some reason, the S-Video will no longer give me colors. It was not damaged, I've cleaned it, checked the contacts, settings, etc. It just won't give me colors. ;-;

  12. i wonder what the forum is like when im away :P

  13. ETS2 EU2 will be moved to new host in at the top of the hour (22 Minutes)

  14. ETS2 EU2 will be moved to new host in at the top of the hour (22 Minutes)

    1. videogamer


      EU 1 has speed limiter enabled and no cars, EU2 has no speed limiter and cars allowed, EU3 has no speed limiter and cars allowed

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. ETS2 EU2 will be moved to new host in at the top of the hour (22 Minutes)

    1. videogamer


      moving to new host to see if high ping and people getting kicked is solved

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. Who is looking forward to Forza Horizon 3? cause i'm most certainly am. Just saw a half an hour gameplay of it and it looks absolutely awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

  17. mafia III requirements are announced, must say pretty sick requirements, hope my dusty and trusty pc will be able to run it :D 

  18. Who is looking forward to Forza Horizon 3? cause i'm most certainly am. Just saw a half an hour gameplay of it and it looks absolutely awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

  19. Why is the UK interior wipers not working yet the Standard interior is??? 

  20. All ready for the event





  21. That moment you find out you can't do your dream job cos of your eyesight :'( 

    1. videogamer


      ^ true but laser eye surgery is expensive and might not be available in London

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  22. That moment you find out you can't do your dream job cos of your eyesight :'( 

  23. After downgrade my ets2mp get crash, why? please help me!

    1. videogamer


      @Chipicaoo if you can't find out where to download the latest update for your graphics card here is the link http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/73218

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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