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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by videogamer

  1. i was gonna ask if anyone wanted to join me on the ats us server but then i looked at who's logged in and its a ghost town in here

  2. how many people are obsessed with Pokemon go?

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Wish I was but its not compatible with my phone :(:(:(:( If it was I would be obsessed with it :P 

  3. what happened to the CCTV because its been offline since june 24, 2016

  4. everyone's complaining about it being hot try 100°F or 37°C with a heat index of 115°F or 47°C

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cyrusj


      Yeah that would be death.

    3. videogamer


      it's brutal cause the only airflow we have is from fans and not the giant industrial fans and the bay doors and i'm glad i only work part time

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      OMG :o I wouldn't be able for that heat all :P The Irish aren't used to hot weather either :P

  5. if it's possible to know does any of the admin's know of the shortest amount of time between registering and getting banned for the first time

    1. konfig0


      From what I know there have been people who have been permanently banned on the day of registering, but we don't have a search engine. (Maybe web-devs do.)

    2. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      I once made a report on someone who had only been registered for a few hours. Don't know when they finally got banned though.

  6. LOL at Europort corner

  7. dam i really wish @Kat_pw@Tuxy Fluffyclaws, @Krashnz, or @J-M would really add a edit or delete feature to status updates for the people that mess up status update replies

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. videogamer


      having atleast a delete option would be nice

    3. Creatured


      well blame Invision Power for that not us they made the forum software and its just meh


    4. _J-M


      We won't touch the IPB code so don't ask about that.

  8. To everyone running Win 10 right do you realize how much info your sending to Microsoft? and i'm pretty sure the dev's that are running win 10 know exactly what info is being sent to Microsoft

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cyrusj


      ^^ After a quick check you are correct. I'm on my backup now and its not forced either.

    3. mutlob


      Don't remind us. If we don't know, we don't worry. ;)

    4. [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      [ S.PLH ] Warrior

      ohh here we go again, is not only windows who collects information ;)

      the eyes are everywhere.

  9. i was gonna create a suggestion but then i realized there was only 1 event/experimental server

  10. @FirestarteR93 I don't want any of your cookies cause you have burned em all

  11. what should be @MrCreeper's new forum name now that he has a picture of a panda eating food?

    1. Ashley


      He is MrPanda now.

    2. videogamer
    3. mutlob


      He should be PandaExpress.

  12. can't wait for my butt kicker gamer2 to arrive http://www.thebutterkicker.com/gamer2

    1. jukeboxknox


      you linked the butter kicker. I think you meant www.thebuttkicker.com/gamer2

    2. Empirekicking


      Going to have a red bumper bum after this

    3. videogamer


      i got me a truck seat so i'm good

  13. wow i just got an interesting pm from someone from the forum

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. videogamer


      they even posted the message in this topic

    3. SprinterFS


      removed and thanks for report :)

    4. heyhococo


      Just ignore it (Keep in case for evidence). There's currently a situation which is being dealt with between a player and an admin.

    1. Jamie69


      I wondered what that was when i was picking my load up the other day. I must admit I did laugh to myself.

    2. Save


      I have also noticed this on multiplayer mode =/

    3. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      This is normal :D mines been higher...

  14. Is there a way to re-enable the tab screen, names above trucks and chat cause i accidentally disabled em

    1. Sgt Salt
    2. videogamer


      thx and bummer that means i gotta change my in-game screenshot button

  15. who's staying up the night before ats releases to get the game at 00:00 or midnight

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. videogamer


      yes its the same time but people live in different time zones so in the EU its what we call military time which is 00:00 and in the states and i think Canada its 12am and sprinter apparently i messed up on the times cause apparently games get released at different times on steam

    3. MrHarv98


      not that hyped k

    4. SprinterFS


      it says 1 week + 15 hours so I think the local time will be different depending on time zones.

  16. IMO Webroot Anti-virus for gamers is the worst anti-virus program ever cause if you never wanna use the net again then download it

  17. My G27 is back from the dead even though i voided the warranty

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