Suggestion Name: Set punishments
Suggestion Description: A set punishment for users e.g - ramming ALL admins 2 d ban depening on their history e.g no bans just a kick. Any example images: N/a Why should it be added?:
Today I was banned in game for overtaking - Truckersmp account - I think this was a fare and unfair ban, yes I did overtake however, I have been with this community since 6th December 2014 so banning me for one day seems a little harsh baring in mind people get banned for overtaking for only 1 hour or sometimes just a kick and I looked back on one of those users and they had been banned all the time as I could not see all of them, I am ashamed of what this community has come to I think this should be fare because if it was a set ban and I only got banned for 1 hour or so then I would be complaining however because I was banned for 1 day and others are just being kicked it is infair.
Kinds Regards,
Vetran Driver
Joined - 6th December 2014
1 Ban - Unfair.