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Veteran Driver VI
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About JimmyPalmer

  • Birthday 12/30/1975

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Reims
  • Known languages
    french and english

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  1. hello @Phonyang thank you for your help so I deleted the account of my friend and I will recreate it in 15 days hoping it works with his new Steam account.
  2. hello @DarkScream38 thank you for your help so I deleted the account of my friend and I will recreate it in 15 days hoping it works with his new Steam account.
  3. hi @DarkScream38 , thanks for your answer. if I understand correctly, my friend must delete his TruckerMP account to recreate one with his new Steam account. But once the account is deleted, it must wait 14 days before recreating an account.
  4. Hello, I have a friend who has problems connecting to TruckersMP. It connects to the website without problems with its email address and password, but can not connect with the same game IDs (password or invalid email address). And I saw on the forum that you had to have the same Steam account, but it has not been the same since and has not changed TuckersMP account. Can I change the Steam account on TruckerMP? Thank you in advance for your help.
  5. Hello, it would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut to mutate and demutate everyone in the populated area.
  6. I agree with you when you have a steering wheel but when you play the keyboard or the joystick it's more complicated
  7. Hello, I know how to play, I even explain how to do in my second message. But I just wanted to know when version 1.32 will come out. thanks anyway
  8. Hello, I know how to play, I even explain how to do in my second message. But I just wanted to know when version 1.32 will come out. thanks anyway
  9. Waiting for the 1.32 you can use
  10. When will the 1.32 go out ?
  11. it would be necessary to stop to mutate a player, one can not do it while rolling.
  12. use this version waiting for the 1.32
  13. I think a command mute would be good, but if we do not want to hear other players, just change channels
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