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Veteran Driver V
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Everything posted by Ferkaz

  1. Ten problem jest normalne, nie jesteś jedynym, więc mają problem. Deweloperzy wiedzą na temat tego zagadnienia i starają się to naprawić szybko, jak to możliwe. Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to skok do pojedynczego gracza i jechać w Rotterdam miasta i przejść z powrotem do gry. Jeśli nie rozumiesz mój polski, przykro mi. Dzięki
  2. I understand, this issue is a lot at Europort, people is taking u-turns and trying to lead the Traffic with there bacons. Thanks
  3. This issue is nothing to be scared off, the reason its kicking you out from the multiplayer are becuse your profil is stuck in-game. You account will be unstuck then the server is restarting and you will have no problems logging back into the multiplayer. Thanks
  4. Ferkaz


    You are not the only one, having the same issue then I am driving into Rotterdam, will wait for a new update.
  5. -1 Don`t think is no point adding a new US server then its so few players on it from before.
  6. +1 The remove button world be fine getting on the forum.
  7. Thanks, keep doing the good work.
  8. Try copying your mail and paste it in the login selection, then type in the password. If its does work, please go and try changing your password at (http://www.ets2mp.com) and try logging in again.
  9. Then you are getting the message "connection refused someone is already playing with that steam ID" means you account are stuck in-game, best way to fix this is just be patience and try joining after 2 hours. This is normal and nothing to be scared off. Thanks
  10. +1 The idea sounds great, and this will help a lot of players to understand the rules.
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