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Soryn Official

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Soryn Official

  • Birthday November 29

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Software , Hardware , Developers (Sviluppatore) , Shop Assistant , Store Manager (Unieuro) .
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Torino
  • Known languages
    Romanian , Italian , English & Spanish

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Community Answers

  1. Guest

    Happy Birthday 🎉Happy Birthday 

    1. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Thank you very much, I appreciate that you thought about this special day for me 🍾❤️

  2. R6TUY8L.jpg

    1. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Thank you very much and you thought to wish me happy birthday and I appreciate it enormously ❤️

  3. Happy Birthday! I wish you a pleasant game!

    1. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Thank you very much and I appreciate it ❤️
      At the moment I won't be able to play Truckers Mp because I'm waiting to get my new internet line, now I'm on 5G.

  4. Happy Birthday

    1. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Thank you very much and I appreciate it ❤️

    2. Emirhan kurt 29
  5. Happy Birthday 🎉

    1. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Thank you very much and I appreciate it ❤️

    2. PinkNub_


      You're welcome 

  6. Happy Birthday 🎂

    1. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Thank you very much and I appreciate it ❤️

  7. Happy Birthday 🎂

    1. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Thank you very much and I appreciate it ❤️

  8. Happy Birthday 🎉

    1. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Thank you very much and I appreciate it ❤️

  9. Arici
  10. Salutare @DariusCistian, - Aceste fișiere se află în zona principală de instalare a jocului din folderele „bin”. - Personal, aș sugera fie să vă verificați fișierele jocului (încercați mai întâi, deoarece nu durează foarte mult), fie să reinstalați jocul principal prin Steam. - Asigurați-vă că utilizați același locație de fișiere, astfel încât să nu aveți o altă problemă în care Launcherul TrucksMp nu vă poate găsi jocul ?(Acest lucru este destul de ușor de rezolvat, dar doar pentru a vă scuti de bătăi de cap). Instalare Launcher TruckersMp sau mai multe informatii aici : Probleme Comune/Intrebari - Soluții - TruckersMP .
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