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[CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

Veteran Driver V
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Status Updates posted by [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

  1. A greeting to all, and wishing you a beautiful day, I hope toparticipate all ats event.


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Have a nice day and happy trucking :) 

  2. Let's friend Ats, to find more friends on route? :troll:

    1. Alyar27 [EC]

      Alyar27 [EC]

      Now I'm with homework, maybe tomorrow:D

    2. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

      OK good luck, until tomorrow

  3. Good evening for those who are at night and good morning for those who are already daylight.:):D

  4. In the game of Ets2, strange things happen like GPS, it goes crazy, the points look like police beacons, trucks that appear out of nowhere on the road, today I had to be very attentive and drive in the left lane.

    Because, trucks appeared on the road like ghosts. I found it incredible today.

    1. Nescau Cereal

      Nescau Cereal

      Hello @Carltru

      ''This is a known bug on the TruckerMP servers.  A fix should be out soon ''

    2. Erik0301


      Well.. This is ets2 :lol:

    3. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

      @Cereal Nescau It's true, but I'm already familiar with this

  5. happy birthday and enjoy it :troll:

  6.  The best experiences coexist daily in the friends on the routes.

    • The next, you are invited too


  7. The new update hurts a lot of people, but we must be patient because the developers also need time and MP moderators do what they can
    It is my opinion!

    • A nice night friends, rest.
    1. stilldre1976


      end of the day its a free mod we don't pay for it patience is needed tbf the devs do a fantastic job and  a lot of people forget this free mod runs a lot smoother than 99% of paid games

    2. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^


      Yes, it is customary to forget, but the good thing is that the new version has already come out with new things
      New version new experiences.

    • Good evening to all, this day I could enjoy an excellent route by CD, the route was quiet. :love:
    •  The moderators do a very good job day by day thanks friends. ;) 
  8.   @Miyuki Thank you, we tried the routes you suggested is very beautiful, I fell in love with that route.

    routes with friends.




    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice photos and trucks :wub:

  9. The busiest routes are a serious chaos, but that generates me more emotion, not by those who drive recklessly. 

  10. It's a good evening to go out and find new friends on theroad.


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang
    2. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

      what I love here is that it is a total emotion, driving stricter than your own real life vehicle.

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