Posts posted by [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^
Cuándo conducís por la vía C-D, es algo muy emocionante, pero yo creo que necesita algo más de emoción como una vía alternativa (hablo de otra ruta del ban), pero con más curvas y un poco de cuesta ¿ qué opinas sería emocionante?
- Para mí reencantado estaría. -
This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
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This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
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This guide is really well done and very clear, it will be very useful for beginners
Thanks for thinking about us, great work
thanks for doing a great job
very beautiful
thanks for the info and work!
It was a great job, the wait was very necessary, now I enjoy it and I feel happy thank you.
the colors leave me freaking out, I hope to paint it blue drugged
good job, happy step of your ideas!
It looks very beautiful, but I understand that it has many limitations
It looks beautiful
I really want it to come out, I'm freaking
try but can't get it, I will be more consistent the next time
Thanks for that Dlc of loads, now I feel more happy in doing my loads
they are the best charges
thank you, it's true we all love the dog that you have
I am happy to have him in my game
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[Forum game] Players vs staff
in Forum Games