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[CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

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Status Replies posted by [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

  1. Phew, It's finished. New Year's Event was a great success. I would just like to say a big thank you all to everybody who attended, your attendance was greatly appreciated :) 


    I would just like to thank all of our event staff that gave their time to help out with New Year's Event. 


    Staff List:
    CarLadMatt: Event Organsier

    davidd: Event Supervisor

    Marcel: Convoy Lead

    G4M3P1X3L: Convoy Tail

    Sharp-88: Convoy Control

    Bhagyesh: Convoy Control
    _Synergy: Convoy Control

    Anis: Convoy Control
    CBaccari: Convoy Control
    DJDutcak: Convoy Control

    Numark: Convoy Control
    Savage: Convoy Control
    Stacker0fWheaT: Convoy Control

    sanamaria: Media

    SirLynx_: Media

    Wersah: Media

    DavNav: Media

    creepergamingboy: Media

    K0rnholio: GM Support

    KIKI_: GM Support

    Aek177: GM Support

    Ali.: GM Support

    iHobbit: GM Support


    All the feedback from the event has been greatly appreciated and I hope to see you guys at another Major Event very soon! Especially at our upcoming Prime Logistics convoys! Keep your eyes open for them ;) 

    Thanks all :D 


  2. Good morning and have a wonderful day today! :mlg_doge:


  3. Good morning everyone!  It's all about food isn't it? :lol::wow:


  4. * Wonderful Christmas *


    1. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

      beautiful truck happy holidays friend!

  5. Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays everyone ^_^:D:wub:


  6. In a field somewhere in Finland...



    1. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

      after leaving there, you have to go to the car washer :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Happy Tuesday everyone! How are you all doing today?




    1. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

      Black a color that highlights you with the beautiful view you got

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. No snow in here yet. 

    It is a bit sunny though, so that's nice.


  9. Keratayı boyadık şekilli şukullu yaptık


  10. Team :love:





    1. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

      beautiful trucks plus the scania! :wub:

  11. I've given in. I've made a Christmas Truck...



  12. Good Night everyone ;)

    Thanks everyone who attended today's RLC convoy

    More Pictures HERE




  13. 2E7E28B51BB916160080BD1900598D20283B7AD8

    1. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^

      [CESC]01Carltru ^[ARG]^

      I was waiting for you my beloved winter, with that white tone and your icy streets

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Great convoy tonight :D Good to see a big turnout for CIN2018



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