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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. I like TSM. It had a bug after the last update whereby if I went to certain places the game crashed. I stopped using that Profile until the bug was fixed. Why if the Winter Mod has never been enabled by me and it causes my game to malfunction to the point that with my bad weather slider at zero I get snow 90% of the time. Why has the Mod not been removed from MP until it has been fixed? As far as I can tell this Mod has been in use here for about 21 days, if the bug cannot be fixed in that tat time remove it. How many use that Winter Mod anyway? As much as I am enjoying MP playing with a limited view and wipers on 90% of the time is terrible. I'll stay offline and check in from time to time to see if that thing is either fixed or removed.
  2. I came here to ask the same question. I was on for about 7 hours yesterday with about 6 hours of snow. I am working on a map mod. For as long as I am I have to work on a clean, unmodded version of the game. I can get away with MP but no other Mods including the Winter Mod. Surely if the Winter Mod has a bug it needs to be disabled.
  3. Day three and I am still looking for some kind of guide telling me how to do certain things. Perhaps if I tell what I have learned so far you will understand what I am looking for. If I press TAB I see a list of players nearby. To open chat I can press Y. Only seems to be used for reporting etc rather than actually talking to people, not sure if that is a rule thing or just that people do not talk. The delivery points have a no damage box which means you can happily drive through another truck with no damage, watch out for entrances though that box ends at the gate I think. Don't leave your trailer somewhere and pop off for repairs etc your job will be cancelled, read that on screen haven't tested it. You will never get tired. No automatic parking. If you cannot reverse and park you will just have to give up on that job and cancel it. MP time is different. If you arrive at your destination in time, save, go to singleplayer, load saved game your job will be flagged as late. What did I miss or get wrong? Any more keys I should know about?
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