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Veteran Driver V
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About Calhon

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Kenworth and Cummins <3
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Oregon: Portland
  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Stockholm
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About Me

transport yardman // sba heavy diesel mechanic // future truckie


Introduction to trucks was in 2007 when I was pretty young with 18 Wheels Of Steel. By 2010, went for multiple trips in livestock trucks around my area. By 2017, had my first job as a yardman for a local freight company running 80 Kenworth/International/Freightliner/Western Star trucks up and down the east coast/inland of Australia. By 2019, I started as an SBA heavy diesel mechanic which'll last 4 years until I'm qualified. By 2024, I hope to be part time driving at least.


For my simulation setup I run a Logitech G29 wheel + shifter base. Attached is an Eaton 18 Speed built by TechAffliction. I also have a button box with Almar Hardware and a CB Radio attachment which functions as a microphone. I use two monitors, one for the game and one as a GPS. I also have an iPad connected which displays truck information, sort of like gauges.


I used to play a lot of ETS2MP, and when ATSMP came out I found other things to do. I play every now and again but prefer singleplayer because of the wide range of mods I've got/made. I've got 1,500+ hours in Euro Truck Simulator 2 in total (including before I had Steam), and 300+ in American Truck Simulator. I was with probably close to ten different VTCs, remember getting up at 6am on a Saturday morning just to get on because that was when the servers were really busy in my timezone. Now I get up at 4am on a Saturday morning to make money :).


Dunno why I wrote any of this tbh


Love Kenworth and Cummins Diesel Power <3 


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