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Veteran Driver IV
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About CrazyGot

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    Russian Federation, Togliatti

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  1. No, I do not use special characters in the password. Yes, I can easily go to the download page.
  2. How long wait for a response from support? Waiting for an answer, and so with the 01/14/2015
  3. A similar problem. Wrote in support, the answer did not wait, feel and can not wait
  4. Tried, unsuccessfully
  5. Yes, I've tried.
  6. Good day, dear forum users. Recently bought himself a great game, found the multiplayer, I decided to try to play, but unfortunately luck turned another side to me. When you connect to the server gives this error. Tried some variants of bug fixes. 1. Reinstall the MP. 2. Change the password / e-mail. 3. Delete / move folders Euro Truck Simulator 2 and ETS2MP from the directory% USER% \ Documents \ P.S.Screenshot is old, at problem is not resolved. P.S.S. sorry for my english
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