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Veteran Driver VI
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About hussainalmhssin

  • Birthday 09/17/2002

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Paris
  • Known languages
    Arabic and English

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  1. Happy birthday my brother Hussein Almohsen

  2. Hello Player!


    Passing here to wish you a Happy Birthday!

    Congratulations and Many Years of Life!

  3. Apparently, we can only carry 1 trailer/caravan in Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer (Which isn't a bad thing to be honest), but what if we had more than 1 trailer/caravan to be carried and delivered as a job? Well, I would like you outstanding staff members to add more features for the scout cars because it will be more exciting and have the trailers/caravans found easily in different companies. 1 - Since it isn't very easy to find the only trailer/caravan that the scout car can carry at the moment in every city. 2 - In my opinion, the user will have a better game experience since we will have more trailers/caravans for the scout car. 3 - It will be more exciting for the player to gain level 10 and unlock the car with several choices of trailers/caravans to pick from. Of course you can decide how much money and experience you get for each trailer, I am just asking if you would be able to do that, thanks for being able to help us out all this time!
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