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Veteran Driver IV
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About EAGame

  • Birthday 07/24/1999

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Iasi - Romania
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: München

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  1. I want a BMW M3 and a Volkswagen Golf 9 xD
  2. I want a BMW M3 and a Volkswagen golf 9 xD
  3. This car is very very fast.... and brakes sucks....
  4. Salut. Are cineva vreo companie cu cativa membri, ceva? Am vazut ceva .RO.Logistics: ce e asta? )
  5. Anybody from Romania? :)

  6. Hello, guys. I have a problem: when I join to multiplayer game, after 3-10 minutes my ETS2 has been crashed. Help me, please! Have a nice day! EDIT: There are some files game.crash , crash.txt, etc.. http://www.fileshare.ro/e31201950
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