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  1. Okay I kind of misunderstood what you meant at the beginning. Then I get your point!
  2. Some people don't have any money left at the end of the month, some people struggle to pay for food. And you want to stop them playing a Mod, that was always "free to play"? What about the payment options? - Not everyone got a credit or debit card for example. Some people are not even 18 years old - they are legally not allowed to use something like PayPal usually. There is the option to give something back to TruckersMP -> Patreon
  3. So you want the community to be smaller, that's the purpose of the topic? Or how can I understand that. In the end there are always people who try to evade all of the requirements or who just try to fulfill the requirements to break the rules, to troll. I also take a clear position against the people who intentionally break rules - but that's not really the best step into the right direction.
  4. Hey I kinda get your point here but I also don't think, that this will be a solution for the problem(s). But the effect on other drivers will be extremely low. As soon as a person starts to overatake incorrectly, it would most likely be too late already. Fake Game Moderators couldn't even handle a situation correctly and at this point TruckersMP could also hire "real" Game Moderators. The "Real" ones would be able to distribute punishments instantly. Fake GM would only cause more chaos and a lot more confusion - A mistake is made andd the game moderator does nothing about it? What should that look like?
  5. This would also mean: less players Imagine a person telling a friend about TruckersMP and just think about what they would like to do. They would like to play together most likely and the friend now buys Euro Truck Simulator 2 for the first time, already has to drive a little bit for himself and after that, he still wouldn't be able to join his friend(s) in TruckersMP, because he has to drive a lot more to get more levels? These requirements stop people from joining TruckersMP and the community would probably shrink as some people stop playing after some time anyway. I do get your point, you don't really want those trollers in the game.. but that's not stopping those people - they will probably find a way to evade these requirements.
  6. That's a nice feature in my opinion! I really think that the process of banning people who for example block the road will be optimised due to this. +++
  7. I kinda like the idea. And I don't know why the people are complaining about this - This is an "option" - You *can* enable or disable it if you want or not. This is amazing for a convoy to keep enough distance for example.
  8. I get your point but it's not very good to implement that - Imagine about all the Trucks Driving with high beams and some can see better than others - People will just tend to crash more often due to bad visibility and stuff.
  9. Thank you for updating stuff for us!
  10. It was great fun to see driving fruits ! Thank you very much
  11. Still very useful! And even better than using external programs ?
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