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Veteran Driver II
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  1. Im not so sure about life in prison..Tmp is considered a hack "reverse engineering" to start with.. Noone is gonna really care except the ones that created it..
  2. You want to be different? Do it in singleplayer. I say ban all mods on mp.They cause lag and crashes and are not necessary.
  3. -1 There're is already a mute button/key..It only takes a few seconds to find the person and mute them..How hard could that be on you??
  4. Exactly..Unban everyone that did the same thing..Tmp open this can of worms now they need to fix it..
  5. Rules are in place for a reason and should be enforced no matter who they are..Hack ,glitch or bug doesn't matter it was exploited and should end with perma ban..end of story.You cannot have different rules for certain people..
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