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[MPI] Nyi Roro Kidul ^^

Veteran Driver VI
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About [MPI] Nyi Roro Kidul ^^

  • Birthday 02/19/1988

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  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Tucson
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Brest
  • Known languages
    Bahasa Indonesia, English.

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  1. Is it allowed to bring a convoy to Wroclaw in simulation 1 or SGP server...??
  2. Suggestion Name: To keep the trolls and annoying player in arcade server. What if the TMP filters players who will enter the simulation server...?? Because the Trolls Or annoying player will always doing something bad in game, whatever the server name or what is the condition. Suggestion Description: So, only trusted and skilled players who can going in Simulation server. Wich is no speed limit or limited to 170 km/h and collision area. And the Arcade sever is No Collision Area and the speed is limited to 120 km/h. New players can only enter on the arcade server. To be able to enter the simulation server, the player must complete the task on the arcade server. If successfully enter the simulation server and get BANNED, then the player must start over like a new player. In my opinion, this simulation server will feel like the paradise of ets2mp players and keep the trolls and annoying player in arcade server. The player who have the key to enter simulation server still have a choice to enter arcade server and no task required to enter simulation server again. Okay, here's my suggestion. Then it's up to the TMP admin. Thanks for your attention... Any example images: Just a simple flowchart Why should it be added?: Because the Trolls Or annoying player will always doing something bad in game, whatever the server name or what is the condition.
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