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Silent Death_53

Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by Silent Death_53

  1. img


    1. Silent Death_53

      Silent Death_53

      Şu forum'a uzun aradan sonra girdiğimde gözümün güzel fotoğraf görmesini sağlayan tek adres ;)


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. ?  Bob Dylan - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall ?



  3. Hello fellas, happy Sunday, have a lovely day ?



  4. martin seni varyoxu men sen  meni niye ban atdu nsebsebisz yerde la serefsiz nerde solama yaptim pc yerimde durmusdum afk idim solayanlar ben dildim yanlsi banlamisin senin ben ..................

  5. Good morning, I wish you all a pleasant working day / school day ?

    1. Silent Death_53

      Silent Death_53

      Good Morning! ☀️
      Have a nice day ?

  6. Good morning TruckersMP.

    Wish you have a wonderful day. :wub:

  7. Good morning, everybody! I miss the forum very much. It's my turn to spend some time.:wub:


  8. Good morning ☀️. I wish you a good weekend.

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