Suggestion Name : Driving License
Suggestion Description: İf you want to login Europe 2 You have to get "Driving License"
Any example images: Nope.
Why should it be added ? Because The game was cheapened and many people bought the game so this was the reason for the increase Trolling/Accident. To prevent this, Players must take the driver's license exam. İt sounds good but how to will do this ? I'm starting to write ;
Firstly ; TruckersMp will create new server , (server name is "Driving Course") and TruckersMp will Add a new Rank in the game (Rank name is "Driver's teacher") in order to teach "Safe Driving" the players.
Secondly ; Who will want to drive in europe 2,He/She have to pass the Driver's exam how will this exam ? Exam will include (parking, driving, overtaking....) And Exams will be on "Driving Course" server
Thirdly : "Exam Passers" will get driver's license, License only allow join Europe 2 server, This is not required for other servers
Sorry for misspelling ;
Best Regards..