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Veteran Driver VI
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About MarcusNoer

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  1. Lol. I just went to single player and then i changed between my 5 trucks in my garage and when they are on a job i go forward in time. Just got a 700k loan of, got a new truck with a driver and 300k in 10minuttes. Thats crazy, they should set a limit so that you can only change to another truck each hour or something Edit: 5min latter now up on 800K its sick Again, about one hour latter i have gone from having a small garage and 700k loan and 12k euro and bad truck to having 5 big garages and 25 trucks and 20million euro.
  2. Is it something that can and will be fix in the future?
  3. Is there no fix for it?
  4. It takes longer than that. I changed truck in MP with one of my drivers, i didnt pay attention to the hours before his job was done, but i can say i went from having 70k to minus -60k because of my bank loan.
  5. Hi. I notice that when i play multiplayer my employees are stuck, instead of maybe 1hour left on a delevery its now 99999 or something crazy. Is there any fix for that isue? I really like playing online, but at the same time i want to progress with the game and earn money, and i cant do that if i am the only one driving in my garage.
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