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Everything posted by Gnl_Hugh122

  1. Suggestion Name: Forum app Suggestion Description: What I mean by a forum app is like Trucky however this app would be dedicated to the forums so when you get a notification on the forums it would appear as an alert on your phone. Whether it is solely for the forums or it has other bits in it that’s not for me to decide but it could. The whole app for this suggestion would be orientated around the forums. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: I believe this should be added because in today’s modern day and age more and more people use their phones for most things and to be able to access the forums in an app which also sends you notifications when someone quotes you, someone you follow posts a status update or someone posts on a topic you follow, if these were on an app which sent you notifications instead of getting emails all the time it would be very helpful. Also this means that you don’t always have to load the forums website, maybe you are driving and someone mentions you, maybe it is open on your PC, but rather than have to alt + tab out of your game and stop you can just receive the notification on your phone and check it on there without having to alt + tab.
  2. I think the rules are whenever a staff member posts and you just have so: 1
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