Reggie's Rig's Achievements
How the hell can the Devs say "oh we have to work on ETS first over ATS because it has a larger player base,but yet there is soooooooooooooo many ppl wanting this ATS's not because ETS has a larger player base it's because the Devs favor ETS over ATS so they will do it when they feel like it..BS if you ask me..."its the holiday season so we can't work on ATS atm" ,but you sure as hell kept workin on ETS tho...I feel ATS is being treated like a second class citizen
ahhhh New Mexico can't come quick enough for MP. Can't wait to hit those roads in convoys.Hope all is going smoothly on your end TruckersMP to get us on those NM rds
hope NM will bring some life back to ATSMP
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So will TMP be ready to go when new mexico comes out.or will it need some time to get everything setup
OMG i made it through a super crowed CD road full of trolls without getting damage..i have to look out my window to see if there are pigs flying
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hahaha no EU2 thats why im looking for flying pigs
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Im sorry to anyone who has already seen this but i feel like C-D road needs some sort of exclusion zone where admins do not go almost like a enter at your own risk sort of thing , something like this,
Wow, C-D road with no damage in congested traffic is always a remarkable feat.