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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Muhic

  • Birthday 07/01/2000

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Turkey / Adana
  • Interests
    Euro Truck Simulator
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages

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  1. Can You Please Load The Evidence ? Why am I Banned?


    1. Lukavsky TMP

      Lukavsky TMP


      Please don't post on Forum about your ban. You can write it in appeal - https://truckersmp.com/appeals

      If you think it's mistake contact feedback - https://truckersmp.com/feedback


  2. Good afternoon dear Truckers ^_^ Have a good time. 
    Today song ; Tropkillaz - Pump it

  3. If you want to be a good truck driver , you gotta be a good man.
  4. Hello, Skoda's not a bad thing. On the contrary, if you use Skoda, it would be a pleasant experience. Some players say Skoda's bad. in fact, the bad ones are the ones who can't drive it. and thank you for your effort. Kindest regards. Muhic
  5. Those who want to convoy to Dortmund ? 
    Good night Truckers <3 :)^_^ 

  6. Good Night ... Calais



  7. Oh, my God . What the hell do you think you're doing? 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Typical C-D road driver :rolleyes: Nice truck + trailer :)

    3. Muhic


      Thank you ^_^:P

    4. KafKaTV


      Normal time on C-D way

  8. Muhic

    Easter Eggs

    It looks nice
  9. thanks trucker
  10. Bana haber verir misin? Bu yasak mı?

    1. KafKaTV


      I don't think it's like that.

  11. Good day dude . :) :excl:

  12. found a solution to the TruckersMP problem from the 29.06.2018

    I uninstalled the software (not the game) with iobit Uninstaller and installed the April 2018 version of TruckersMP. I think it is working

  13. Hey all,


    '' We are currently experiencing issues with server host failing to reach one of our origins. The Developers are aware of the issue, however, it is unknown when the issue will be resolved as it is not an issue on our end.


    We thank you for your patience and will keep you updated.'' I WANT PLAY

    1. paul_colsen


      experiencing the same error today (29.06.2018) 

      Could developers help us please? 

      We wait and its friday ...so hurry 


      Problem TruckersMP 29.06.2018.JPG

    2. Muhic


      I have the same problem 

  14. Hi everyone, I'm looking for new friends :) 

    1. Muhic


      I'm from Azerbaıjani :)

  15. Why would you do that? 


    1. IpilkAlaus


      Troll or incapable of driving decently

    2. Muhic


      Maybe he want ban .. 

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