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Veteran Driver VII
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About TNeggs[KANSAS,USA]

  • Birthday 05/11/1991

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    Kansas, C.S.A.
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  1. Happy birthday. I hope have a good years!  

  2. Happy birthday and may health and happiness continue to accompany you. Salute to you.

  3. Great work folks, thanks for the links all in one place!
  4. Congrats! And thanks for the work yall put in, you folks have done a great job!
  5. Holy cow! I take a 350 mile run to Tusla and back and this thread has gone from 4 pages to 21! So going off of the first 4 pages I read, I feel a point has to be made on the speed limiter everyone is worried about. I have no opinion on it right now, but if a server side economy was to ever be implemented, it would be a bad idea to not have the limiter. right now if someone wrecks us we can always grab some quick cash from a mod in SP so it aint a big deal.
  6. Not trying to hijack the thread, but another good question to add to this discussion would be 'How does the G27 compare to other, cheaper wheels on the market?' But I agree with NV1S1ON, I went from a gamepad controller to an Xbox 360 wheel and I will never go back.
  7. Hey yall, I'm Travis, 23 years old, from Kansas, and run a wrecker service with my step dad. I've been playing SCS games since the original 'Hard Truck: 18 Wheels of Steel' and ETS2 MP since its release. Gotta give a big thanks to SCS, Rootkiller, MP Team, Modders, and the overall community for making this game what it is today! Oh and I love to build Sim game setups- https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10711045_847699408582361_6915652065955065804_n.jpg?oh=7ce6464865ff4d4cd6841e0006ca7852&oe=54D2BC5F
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