Hi, my name is Nico. I've been on Truckersmp for about three-four months now, and I have been aspiring to become a Moderator considering their lack of presence within the ATS Europe Server. (ETS has more of them)
Suggestion Name: A change to the GM Requirements
Suggestion Description: I think that the age requirement for a GM should be lowered to fifteen years of age.
Any example images: N/A.
Why should it be added?: I am all for the fishing of good game moderators. But your age requirement is very unhelpful to your cause. I am online in this game on an almost daily basis, and whenever I am usually in trouble, the ATS Europe map lacks Moderator presence in my opinion. This would arouse more activity & dedication from the great team you are building. If you are looking for seventeen-year-olds, it'll be very hard for them to focus on the education they are working for, since they head off to college in about a year or so. If they don't already figure it out by now, they will understand that they have to put the video game aside and focus on their daily human lives. So what should happen if you use my suggestion is: It'll urge others to try and become more active as they may want to become a game moderator or more. And since they're possibly 15, just meeting the age requirement, that means they'll be in for the long haul until they're off to college, which would be about three years. It does probably seem suspicious since I am fifteen, that I want it lowered to my age, but I will substantiate to explain my rationale. I am a very mature person for my age, many people call me a 20-23-year-old. And I'm sure since they way I act seems to allow me to have many opportunities of moderation in so many things, I'm 99% sure that there are others just like me who thrive on being mature at a young age, who deserve the chance to become a Moderator here.
Thank you for reading my first ever forum post. I have my notifications on so feel free to send a reply, answer, critique or whatever you wish, and I should respond in a timely manner. : )
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