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Veteran Driver VII
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About Alpheos

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  1. Départ massif des membres.
  2. Fin de la partie les amis ! L'entreprise ferme ce jour du 16 novembre 2015. Alpheos.
  3. +1 ! Can help to see if teammates are nearby !
  4. Yes you must add a reconnect button. I think it would me a lot more efficient than an AFK command.
  5. I mean that players must have been recruited by an admin who is in charge of the "faction/group". Because imagine if everybody can use it. There would be a lot of orange cars everywhere... Think about it
  6. Do you imagine drivers waiting in Europort ? This would create a lot of traffic jams, and lags, for nothing. For me it's not something to do in multiplayer, because we already have problems in ports.
  7. I think this Can make people able to glitch on the roof or in the buildings.
  8. Just use F7 enter You must use a whitelist to do that
  9. People can use that to cheat : -1
  10. Alpheos


    It could be nice to create a police group for donators that give a certain amount of money to the devs. It would work like on the teamspeak but for the police. Police can only report players to admin and make them pay little amount of money for driving too fast, dangerous overtaking... Of course we have to make sure policemen are not making any abuse of the system.
  11. I agree the idea but only when a certain number of players is connected on the server. Today, a lot of players use a message in the chatbox to don't be kicked. So adding this command will not make the server full. But it should be added only in NCZ and gas stations parking.
  12. I think this is not how euro truck has to be played. The game is about driving trucks to deliver goods. This is a strange idea because I don't know if players will wait for the mechanic or if they are going to pay someone for a new truck. So for me it's a no.
  13. With some work it can be really efficient. You just need to ask different persons of different nationalities, and update regularly the system with new words. If you want to do that on only one update it's true, it is too much work. But if you first do the English, then German, Russian... One by one, it can be done.
  14. It's really fun to read you man ! You have been ban a lot of time for the same reason, and you still don't understand ? If you just respected the rules, you wouldn't have been banned. Stop crying, it's too late now.
  15. Do realize what you are asking ? You want to ban players only because they are Russian ? This is stupid, and racist.
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